Welcome to the posemesh learning centre

Make the most out of your spare compute and earn rewards by running posemesh nodes, or get involved and participate in the token community.


Earn rewards with nodes

Set up nodes on your system and start earning posemesh rewards

Crypto Portfolio Management
Strategies for building and managing a cryptocurrency portfolio for long-term success.
2.5 hours
Crypto Portfolio Management
Strategies for building and managing a cryptocurrency portfolio for long-term success.
2.5 hours
Crypto Portfolio Management
Strategies for building and managing a cryptocurrency portfolio for long-term success.
2.5 hours


プロジェクトをスタートさせるためにAUKIトークンの助成金を申請し、Auki Labsチームと直接連携して、あなたのクリエイションをマーケットへ。選ばれた申請者は最大10万米ドル相当のAUKIトークンの助成を受け、アウキラボチームによる開発、マーケティング支援を受けることができます。