Welcome to the posemesh learning centre

Make the most out of your spare compute and earn rewards by running posemesh nodes, or get involved and participate in the token community.


Earn rewards with nodes

Set up nodes on your system and start earning posemesh rewards

Future Trends in Cryptocurrency
A look at the future of cryptocurrency and potential trends to watch.
2 hours
Future Trends in Cryptocurrency
A look at the future of cryptocurrency and potential trends to watch.
2 hours
Future Trends in Cryptocurrency
A look at the future of cryptocurrency and potential trends to watch.
2 hours

Want to build on the posemesh and need a helping hand?

Apply for a grant of AUKI tokens to get your project off the ground, and work directly with the Auki Labs team to get your creation to market. Successful applicants may be granted up to 100k USD worth of AUKI tokens, and development and marketing support from the Auki Labs team.