In this chapter, we'll cover how to add and initialize ConjureKit to a new Unity project.
We suggest to check which ARFoundation and ARKit/ARCore package versions are installed by Package Manager, as they might not be equal. This is not automatically handled when installing a "Preview" version and mismatch can happen.
versions below 4.2.6 do not support iOS 16.
AR Session Origin
by selecting GameObject -> XR -> AR Session Origin.ARTrackedImageManager
component to the AR Session Origin GameObject.ReferenceImageLibrary
by selecting Assets -> Create -> XR -> Reference Image Library. and drag it to the “serialized library” field in the ARTrackedImageManager
component to 1.AR Session
by selecting GameObject -> XR -> AR Session.1. Install the ConjureKit package.
2. Create a new ^MonoBehaviour^
script and attach it to an empty game object in the scene.
3. Import ^ConjureKit^
using Auki.Ur;
4. Create a private ^IConjureKit^.
private IConjureKit _conjureKit;
5. Create a public ^Camera^
public Camera arCamera;
6. Drag the AR Camera
to the ^arCamera^
field on the GameObject you created;
7. Initialize ^ConjureKit^
with the app key and secret from the posemesh console (cf. the Quickstart guide)
Never share your app secret with anyone.
8. Call ^_conjureKit.Connect()^
to connect to a Relay server with the lowest latency and create a session.
using Auki.ConjureKit;
public class ConjureKitDemo : MonoBehaviour
public Camera arCamera;
private IConjureKit _conjureKit;
private void Start()
_conjureKit = new ConjureKit(
9. Declare two new ^Text^
fields to display the session ID and session state on screen.
[SerializeField] private Text sessionState;
[SerializeField] private Text sessionID;
10. Register a callback to the ^_conjureKit.OnStateChanged^
event that fires every time our session state changes.
_conjureKit.OnStateChanged += state =>
sessionState.text = state.ToString();
11. Register callback to ^_conjureKit.OnJoined^
and ^_conjureKit.OnLeft^
which are triggered when we join and leave a session.
_conjureKit.OnJoined += session =>
sessionID.text = session.Id;
_conjureKit.OnLeft += session =>
sessionID.text = "";
12. Create two ^Text^
elements and drag and drop them to the fields you declared in step 8.
13. Click Play in Unity Editor. Now you'll see the state of your connection logged in the console and session id and state on the screen.
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