In this chapter, we'll cover how to add ConjureKit entities to a shared session for each cube that the participants create.
Adding an entity Follow these steps to add an ^Entity^ to the session and instantiate a Primitive Cube that would appear in the same location in AR for all participants in the session:
1. Create a method, ^CreateCubeEntity^
, that adds an ^Entity^ to the session
public void CreateCubeEntity ( )
if (_conjureKit.GetState() != State.Calibrated)
return ;
Vector3 position = arCamera.transform.position + arCamera.transform.forward * 0. 5f;
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler( 0 , arCamera.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0 );
Pose entityPos = new Pose(position, rotation);
onComplete : entity => CreateCube(entity),
onError : error => Debug.Log(error));
Calling ^AddEntity^ adds a new ^Entity^ to the ^Session^ and invokes the ^onComplete^
callback, ^CreateCube^
, with the newly created entity.
onComplete : entity => CreateCube(entity),
onError : error => Debug.Log(error));
7. We need something to visualize the Entities. Declare a public GameObject variable to reference a cube prefab. Implement the ^CreateCube^
method that instantiates a cube with a Pose .
[SerializeField] private GameObject cube;
private void CreateCube ( Entity entity )
if (entity.Flag == EntityFlag.EntityFlagParticipantEntity) return ;
var pose = _conjureKit.GetSession().GetEntityPose(entity);
Instantiate(cube, pose.position, pose.rotation);
We first check that the entity is not the special participant entity that is created automatically when a participant joins a session.
3. Declare a Button
variable to reference the button that will invoke CreateCubeEntity
[SerializeField] private Button spawnButton;
We want this button to be interactable only when the session state is calibrated. Add a ^ToggleControlsState^
method and invoke it in ^_conjureKit.OnStateChanged^
_conjureKit.OnStateChanged += state =>
sessionState.text = state.ToString();
ToggleControlsState(state == State.Calibrated);
4. Create a primitive cube by selecting GameObject -> 3D Object -> Cube . Change the scale of the cube to ^0.1^
so it appears as a 10cm cube in AR. Drag and drop it into the Assets folder in the Project window to create a prefab and delete the cube from the scene. Drag the cube prefab to the field you declared in step 2 .
5. Add a Button
to the scene, configure the on click callback to invoke ^CreateCubeEntity^
method. Drag the button game object to the field you declared in step 3 .
If you run the project now you should see the cube in front of the camera.