SDK essentials: Shared AR

Learn why shared AR is the key to creating immersive, social experiences, and how the posemesh enables instant shared AR.

What most call “AR” is not, in fact, an augmentation of reality. Reality is something we share, not just a subjective experience. Reality is the world we move in together, not what we might be imagining in our mind’s private eye — and reality certainly isn’t what’s seen through the front-facing camera of a single solitary phone.

For AR to be shared, two devices must synchronize inside a coordinate abstraction. Only then can they agree on where the AR object is and where they are relative to each other. This is what allows them to begin to have a shared reality.

By integrating shared AR into your applications, you can create rich social experiences that bring people together for fun or for collaborative tasks.

The Auki SDK enables shared AR with a couple of key features:

  • Instant calibration: Devices can create coordinate systems on the fly without pre-scanning environments, and other devices simply calibrate into the same coordinate system by scanning a QR code.
  • Real-time networking: Data in shared AR sessions are routed to hyperlocal servers across a decentralized Relay network, ensuring low-latency and privacy-preserving interactions.
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