SDK essentials: Persistent AR

Putting a digital real estate layer on top of physical spaces and inviting AI into them is a blue ocean opportunity — creating a plethora of new solutions and markets not yet in existence.

Persistent AR gives you the power to annotate the world and share information about a precise physical location. You can also create experiences that transform physical spaces into interactive environments, offering new ways for users to engage with the world around them.

We have used it to build apps for indoor AR navigation, space decorating, AR spectator gaming, and creating spatial maps of products on retail shelves, among other things. This last use case makes shelf data science and A/B testing feasible in a way it never was before, and generates a new type of data that brings the power of AI to physical retail.

According to the World Bank, more than 70% of the world’s economic activity is still tied to physical labor and spaces. The potential for AI to disrupt these sectors hinges on it understanding the physical world we inhabit. We call this Spatial AI, and you can build any number of spatial AI use cases on the Auki SDK.

To get started, all you need is a domain, which is a 3D map of your space. Domain setup is easy: put portal QR codes around a space and record their locations with our Domain Management Tool app. These portals are now immediately usable as anchor and calibration points by any app built on the Auki SDK.

Need a refresher on the essentials?

Check out more lessons, DIY kits and essentials reading material at the developer learning centre homepage.

Want to build on the posemesh and need a helping hand?

Apply for a grant of AUKI tokens to get your project off the ground, and work directly with the Auki Labs team to get your creation to market. Successful applicants may be granted up to 100k USD worth of AUKI tokens, and development and marketing support from the Auki Labs team.