August 26, 2024

The Posemesh $AUKI Token Community Presale Results

The Posemesh $AUKI Token Community Presale officially concluded yesterday, 25 August 2024, at 10 PM UTC. 390 qualified wallets, each holding one or more posemesh Soulbound NFTs, participated in the event. The presale successfully raised $204,700.00 USDT/C in total funds.

The Posemesh $AUKI Token Community Presale closed with $204,700.00 raised in stablecoins.

The whitelist-only presale gave our dedicated posemesh community members a unique opportunity to buy $AUKI tokens at a fixed price, with some vesting terms attached (details below). Plus, those who were lucky enough to take part in the presale have now qualified their wallets for future $AUKI token airdrops—exciting times ahead!

Posemesh $AUKI Community Presale Terms:

  • Ticker: AUKI
  • Token Type: ERC-20 on Base Chain
  • Token Supply: 10,000,000,000
  • Day 1 Token Circulation: 705,808,003 (including market maker tokens)
  • Day 1 Token Circulation: 405,808,003 (excluding market maker tokens)
  • Project Valuation: $140,000,000
  • Initial Market Capitalisation: $9,881,312 (including market maker tokens)
  • Initial Market Capitalisation: $5,681,312 (excluding market maker tokens)
  • Total Raise (All Rounds): $18,650,140 (not including community sale)
  • Community Sale Price: $0.0138
  • Individual Allocation:
        - Minimum: $50
        - Maximum: $50,000
  • Vesting: 12-months daily linear unlocks up to $10,000
  • Vesting: 24-months daily linear unlocks up to $50,000

Participants in the presale made it onto the whitelist through a few key activities: (1) contributing to posemesh network research by pinging and earning points via the Pinger Telegram mini app, (2) raising awareness of the project by completing quests on Kazm, and (3) staking on Drip Finance to earn AUKI Points.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the presale! It's truly inspiring to have such a supportive community that believes in the vision of the posemesh and the future of spatial AI.

For those who didn't qualify for the presale, missed the whitelisting deadline, or just discovered the project—don't worry; you’re still early!

You Are Early: $AUKI Available to All on Uniswap 28 August 2024

$AUKI tokens will soon be available to everyone when $AUKI starts trading on Uniswap on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. And, don't worry if you don’t know how to trade on a DEX—$AUKI will also be listed on a centralized exchange (CEX) the following week, on September 4, 2024. To understand why the team chose a DEX-first strategy, check out this post.

The $AUKI Token is Deflationary

The posemesh is DePIN for AI interacting with the physical world. It has a deflationary token with live real-world utility, so the $AUKI token starts deflating immediately after TGE.

Four standout features that separate the $AUKI token from many tokens that launch without working products are:

  1. $AUKI is a deflationary token,
  2. with real-world utility,
  3. that is already live,
  4. so the deflation starts on day one of TGE.

We have designed a deflationary tokenomics model with real-world utility that is already live in the world, meaning we will start seeing deflation from day one. If you want billion dollar burns, you have to solve billion dollar problems—this is why Auki is ready for the future.

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