SDK components: Domains API

Domains are persistent coordinate systems corresponding to physical spaces, and the Auki SDK provides an API for interacting with them.

Posemesh Domains

Posemesh domains are 3D maps of physical spaces, and virtual real estate on which you can persist digital information anchored to physical locations. Additionally, domain owners can store spatial data like walkable areas, occlusion boxes, and 3D scene reconstructions that app developers can access to build rich AR experiences that fit into the context of the physical space around them.

The Auki SDK contains a Domains API for domains-related functionality, including:

  • Authentication with user credentials to access restricted functionalities
  • Retrieving domains and domain information
  • Managing metadata and custom domain data
  • Retrieving, adding, and removing portals (QR codes used for calibrating into domains) and their poses

Complete documentation regarding the Domains API can be found on our documentation site.

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