All of the code for the project can be found below or on GitHub.
using UnityEngine;
using Auki.ConjureKit;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Auki.ConjureKit.Manna;
using Auki.Ur;
using Auki.Util;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;
public class ConjureKitManager : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private Camera arCamera;
[SerializeField] private ARSession arSession;
[SerializeField] private ARRaycastManager arRaycastManager;
[SerializeField] private Text sessionState;
[SerializeField] private Text sessionID;
[SerializeField] private GameObject cube;
[SerializeField] private Button spawnButton;
[SerializeField] Button qrCodeButton;
private bool qrCodeBool;
private IConjureKit _conjureKit;
private Manna _manna;
private ARCameraManager arCameraManager;
private Texture2D _videoTexture;
[SerializeField] private Renderer fingertipLandmark;
private HandTracker _handTracker;
private bool landmarksVisualizeBool = true;
[SerializeField] private AROcclusionManager arOcclusionManager;
private bool occlusionBool = true;
void Start()
arCameraManager = arCamera.GetComponent<ARCameraManager>();
_conjureKit = new ConjureKit(
_manna = new Manna(_conjureKit);
_conjureKit.OnStateChanged += state =>
if (state == State.JoinedSession)
Debug.Log("State.JoinedSession " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup);
if (state == State.Calibrated)
Debug.Log("State.Calibrated " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup);
sessionState.text = state.ToString();
ToggleControlsState(state == State.Calibrated);
_conjureKit.OnJoined += session =>
Debug.Log("OnJoined " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup);
sessionID.text = session.Id.ToString();
_conjureKit.OnLeft += session =>
sessionID.text = "";
_conjureKit.OnEntityAdded += CreateCube;
_handTracker = HandTracker.GetInstance();
_handTracker.SetARSystem(arSession, arCamera, arRaycastManager);
_handTracker.OnUpdate += (landmarks, translations, isRightHand, score) =>
if (score[0] > 0)
var handPosition = new Vector3(
var pointerLandmarkIndex = 8 * 3; // Index fingertip
var pointerLandMarkPosition = new Vector3(
landmarks[pointerLandmarkIndex + 0],
landmarks[pointerLandmarkIndex + 1],
landmarks[pointerLandmarkIndex + 2]);
fingertipLandmark.enabled = true;
fingertipLandmark.transform.localPosition = handPosition + pointerLandMarkPosition;
fingertipLandmark.enabled = false;
private void Update()
private void FeedMannaWithVideoFrames()
var imageAcquired = arCameraManager.TryAcquireLatestCpuImage(out var cpuImage);
if (!imageAcquired)
AukiDebug.LogInfo("Couldn't acquire CPU image");
if (_videoTexture == null) _videoTexture = new Texture2D(cpuImage.width, cpuImage.height, TextureFormat.R8, false);
var conversionParams = new XRCpuImage.ConversionParams(cpuImage, TextureFormat.R8);
(status, @params, buffer) =>
_videoTexture.SetPixelData(buffer, 0, 0);
private void ToggleControlsState(bool interactable)
if (spawnButton) spawnButton.interactable = interactable;
if (qrCodeButton) qrCodeButton.interactable = interactable;
public void ToggleLighthouse()
qrCodeBool = !qrCodeBool;
public void ToggleHandLandmarks()
landmarksVisualizeBool = !landmarksVisualizeBool;
if (landmarksVisualizeBool)
public void ToggleOcclusion()
occlusionBool = !occlusionBool;
arOcclusionManager.requestedHumanDepthMode = occlusionBool ? HumanSegmentationDepthMode.Fastest : HumanSegmentationDepthMode.Disabled;
arOcclusionManager.requestedHumanStencilMode = occlusionBool ? HumanSegmentationStencilMode.Fastest : HumanSegmentationStencilMode.Disabled;
arOcclusionManager.requestedEnvironmentDepthMode = occlusionBool ? EnvironmentDepthMode.Fastest : EnvironmentDepthMode.Disabled;
public void CreateCubeEntity()
if (_conjureKit.GetState() != State.Calibrated)
Vector3 position = arCamera.transform.position + arCamera.transform.forward * 0.5f;
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, arCamera.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0);
Pose entityPos = new Pose(position, rotation);
onComplete: entity => CreateCube(entity),
onError: error => Debug.Log(error));
private void CreateCube(Entity entity)
if (entity.Flag == EntityFlag.EntityFlagParticipantEntity) return;
var pose = _conjureKit.GetSession().GetEntityPose(entity);
Instantiate(cube, pose.position, pose.rotation);
The full code for this tutorial can be found on GitHub on the ^tutorial/handtracker^
The complete project with all parts and the latest packages is on the master branch of the same repo.
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