Domain setup: Portals

Setting up a domain starts with creating an account in the console as well as the domain itself. Then buy or print portals and place them around the physical space.

Create an Auki posemesh console account.

Your Auki posemesh account will hold all of your domain data and allow you manage its information.

Create an account at

Create a domain.

  1. Sign in to the Auki posemesh console, navigate to Domains and click "Create Domain".
  2. Name your domain.
  3. Give your domain a redirect URL (optional; this is used for redirecting users to a URL of your choice if they scan a QR code with a non-posemesh-enabled app.


Domain data is hosted on a server; if you would like to set up your own domain server to ensure the privacy of your data, please refer to the domain server setup instructions on GitHub.


Get your portals.

Order a portal kit today to unlock the posemesh and start building in your space.

Although ordering a portal kit is recommended for more durable and permanent domain installing, alternatively, you can make portals at home with your own printer for free:

  1. In the domains page of the console, find your domain and click "View" under the "Portals" column.
  2. Now click "Generate portals" and create as many as you need.
  3. At the top of the page, click "Get all QR codes" to get a PDF containing all portals.
  4. Print them at 100%, taking care to ensure that the size of the printed QR code matches the size you specified when generating the portals. It may help to do a test print first.


Getting the size of the portals correct is important because the SDK uses the size of the QR codes to reason about their poses and to refine the position of the device.


Place your portals (QR codes used for calibration) around your space.

Place your portals more or less evenly around your space, a few meters apart. Then continue to the next stage of setup.


When placing your portals, at least one must be on the floor — this will define the origin of your domain with coordinates (0, 0, 0).


Best practices for placing portals in the domain

  • In general, larger portals are preferred for greater scanning distance and angle.
  • Remember that the origin point portal must be on the floor.
  • Choose an origin point with 2-3 other portals within direct line of sight and with easily verifiable rotation.
  • Place portals at intersections of walkable areas and along corridors/aisles a few meters apart.
  • In long corridors/aisles, try to place portals in line with each other.
  • Where possible, use floor features such as tile lines to keep the orientation of portals consistent.
  • If possible, there should be distinct features (such as tile lines or objects) around the portal; this improves SLAM accuracy (SLAM stands for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping; this is how your device keep track of its own pose within its environment).
  • Avoid placing portals in corners; this also improves SLAM accuracy.
  • Avoid placing portals where all or part of the QR code may be shadowed; this makes it easier to scan them.
  • Where possible, avoid placing portals on highly reflective surfaces.
This is the beginning of this lesson

Need a refresher on the essentials?

Check out more lessons, DIY kits and essentials reading material at the developer learning centre homepage.

Want to build on the posemesh and need a helping hand?

Apply for a grant of AUKI tokens to get your project off the ground, and work directly with the Auki Labs team to get your creation to market. Successful applicants may be granted up to 100k USD worth of AUKI tokens, and development and marketing support from the Auki Labs team.