Domain setup: Navmesh

Navmeshes are walkable areas within a domain which developers can use for guiding users around a physical space.

Create navmeshes in DMT

  1. In DMT beta, click on "My domains" and select your domain.
  2. Click the "Edit or create navmesh" tile.
  3. Scan one of the portals to calibrate into the domain.
  4. Tap on a walkable area of the floor to create the first navmesh. Drag either the corners or the sides to adjust the navmesh.
  5. Repeat step 4 until all walkable areas are covered, making sure that navmeshes overlap at intersections.
  6. Click "Finish setup" when you're done.
  7. You can now view the navmeshes in either 3D view ("Explore domain 3D" tile) or AR view ("Explore domain AR" tile).

This is the beginning of this lesson

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Want to build on the posemesh and need a helping hand?

Apply for a grant of AUKI tokens to get your project off the ground, and work directly with the Auki Labs team to get your creation to market. Successful applicants may be granted up to 100k USD worth of AUKI tokens, and development and marketing support from the Auki Labs team.