August 19, 2024

The Posemesh $AUKI Token Community Presale

The Posemesh team is excited to share the details of our upcoming $AUKI Token community presale! We're committed to providing a secure and transparent process for purchasing $AUKI tokens. This exclusive, whitelist-only presale offers our dedicated community members a unique opportunity to join and benefit from the project’s success.

The Posemesh’s former funding rounds have been a massive success and attracted interest from some of the most prominent backers worldwide.

The funding rounds of over US$18 million included well-known VCs such as Maelstrom Capital, Animoca, Outlier Ventures, Faculty, Shima Capital, Kenetic Capital, Baboon VC, and many more notable blockchain firms.

With such remarkable backing and support, we're now ready to take the next step in our journey. It's essential to acknowledge and thank our community members who have contributed to our success. As we move forward, we are excited to offer exclusive opportunities to those who have actively engaged with the posemesh.

The Posemesh $AUKI Token Community Presale Opens on August 22nd and Closes on August 25th, 2024

A more resent post with how to use the presale platform and exact start and end times of the presale is available here.

Incentives for Early Adoption:

Contributing to the network early comes with substantial rewards. Network participants will receive 30% of the initial mint supply as the posemesh progresses. Moreover, 10% of the total supply will be unlocked for community awards over the next 12 months.

Criteria for Whitelisting

Over the past months, there have been multiple opportunities for alert posemesh community members to earn their way onto the whitelist. These included:

  1. Kazm Quests
  2. ‘Pinging’ the DePIN Diagnostics Tap-to-Earn Pinger App on Telegram
  3. Participating in the $AUKI Pools on Drip

Whitelisting will close on Thursday, August 22nd, 2024- if you’re Pinging or participating in KAZM Quests, you still have the opportunity to level up your points and earn a whitelisting spot.

Make sure you are active in the Posemesh Discord for the latest opportunities and deadlines.

Whitelist NFT - Your Key to Access the Community Presale

The Soulbound NFTs differ based on how they were earned. See the posemesh collection on Opensea.

Once you have qualified for the whitelist and shared your qualifying wallet in KAZM, you will receive a Soulbound NFT.

These NFTs are minted in batches, so if you have already registered your qualifying wallet, please be patient. Your Soulbound NFT will be airdropped to you when the team mints the next batch. The final batch will be airdropped on August 24th, allowing late qualifiers one day to join the whitelist-only community presale before it closes on August 25th.

The NFTs are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be sold or moved to another wallet; hence, they are soulbound.

Posemesh $AUKI Community Presale Details:

  • Ticker: AUKI
  • Token Type: ERC-20 on Base Chain
  • Token Supply: 10,000,000,000
  • Day 1 Token Circulation: 705,808,003 (including market maker tokens)
  • Day 1 Token Circulation: 405,808,003 (excluding market maker tokens)
  • Project Valuation: $140,000,000
  • Initial Market Capitalisation: $9,881,312 (including market maker tokens)
  • Initial Market Capitalisation: $5,681,312 (excluding market maker tokens)
  • Total Raise (All Rounds): $18,650,140 (not including community sale)
  • Community Sale Price: $0.0138*
  • Individual Allocation:
        - Minimum: $50
        - Maximum: $50,000
  • Vesting: 12-months daily linear unlocks up to $10,000
  • Vesting: 24-months daily linear unlocks more than $10,000 to $50,000
  • KYC: No

Participating in the Presale Unlocks Airdrops

*Whitelisted participants from Pinger and Kazm will enjoy a lower effective community sale price. We will airdrop rebates back to you based on the total Pinger/Kazm points you've earned. These rebates range from 5% of your community sale contribution and can exceed 100% for those with higher points.

We’re doing the airdrop this way to make sure that they go to early adopters and supporters rather than airdrop farmers and bots. To that end, we will also be staggering the disbursement of this airdrop. You will receive 25-50% as the first disbursement (depending on total airdrop amount), and further disbursements will be sent in monthly increments to wallets that still hold the initial balance (or greater) of airdropped AUKI tokens. Of course, to encourage active participation in the posemesh ecosystem, burned and staked amounts will count toward your balance.

Unclaimed tokens from the first airdrop will be redistributed proportionally to community members who still hold their initial airdrop tokens. This ensures that rewards go to our true early adopters—our community champions—instead of farmers and bots.

Note: Airdrops for Drip participants will be based solely on the points earned from Drip. They will not consider the community sale contribution amount, nor will their distribution depend on holding the token.

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